gifts in action:

Ruby's Story

When Holly Jorgensen of Let's Smile, Inc. in Owatonna, Minnesota conducted screenings at a local elementary school, she found Ruby. The 9 year-old had many areas of concern on her teeth that appeared to be severe, including a permanent molar that urgently needed to be treated. Unfortunately, her family was struggling financially and lacked dental coverage.

Holly found a local dentist who agreed to treat all of Ruby's dental issues at a reduced rate of $1,000 but the fee was out of reach for Ruby's parents. Ruby remained in pain. Her parents felt helpless.

That's when Holly received an email announcing that America's ToothFairy had In the Gap grant funding available for kids like Ruby. She applied on Ruby's behalf and was excited to find out the total fee would be covered thanks to the generosity of MGE: Management Experts!

When Ruby's mother received the good news, she wept.

"Thank you for the generous $1,000 grant towards getting our patient healthy by providing follow-up restorative care. Her mother called sobbing and said thank you for helping her help her child get out of pain. She can now eat without it hurting. America's ToothFairy is amazing and impactful!"

—Holly Jorgensen, Let's Smile, Inc., Owatonna, MN

Discover how you can help more kids like Ruby.

*Patient's name has been changed to protect their privacy. Not all grantees have provided photos. In some cases, stock photos are used to represent a patient’s gender, age and ethnicity if known.

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